sábado, 21 de marzo de 2009

Busy !!!! muy ocupada!!!

My dear friends!!! is been crazy times!! Enrichment night, a wedding!! a funeral!!! When I asked God about service!!! I couldnt imagine that thre is so much to do!! I went to bed tired but really happy!!! Is amazing how u can help others!!u dont even need to know who they are!!. In the funeral I learned a lot from this Sister McKregor!! she was special!! and also was my first time looking a dead body that close!! In Spain we have a place for the dead bodies but here she was at church!! at Relief sociaty room!!! oh boy!!! but the room was filled of a sweet feeling!!!! so it wasnt that bad!!

The other day Eric and I were looking some adds on youtube here are some , they are hilaurios!!!! With some of them we cried!!!!!

3 comentarios:

Marta F. Rebollos dijo...

Me encantan Tania!!!! Aquí estoy yo también llorando :) Lo voy a poner en mi blog :)

lorena dijo...

Te creía ya en el olvido...como se te echa de menos cuando no escribes...a ver si te despejas de tantos asuntos!!

Irene dijo...

¡Qué fuerte! ¿No? Creo que debió de ser un choque cultural... me alegro de que estés bien. Un beso!