lunes, 28 de abril de 2008

Wendy's wedding +++++ la boda de Wendy

I had everything ready on friday so my sis and the kids could sleep with me so we could leave early in the morning to the temple. Wendy got sealed at Seattle temple, so it was a 3 hours driving plus the border that u never know how long the line is. But my sis forgot the pasports ... I was so exicted I guess it will be another time.... I drove a lot I left at 4am and come back at 9pm. I think Wendy did great having lunch instead of dinner and finishing everything at 5pm. She copy my idea. Sorry for all of u that will need to wake up early but u will be home earlier too!!!
The words before the sealing were short so I could concentrate in the ordenace's words soo beautiful !! I could picture Eric and I there me of course me crying like crazy!!!!
The wedding was simple and emotional!!
Tenia todo preparao el viernes para que mi hermana y los nenes durmieran conmigo , porque habia que salir temprano , ya que para ir al templo se tarda 3 horas mas el tiempo esperando en la frontera, dependiendo cuanta genta haya. total que mi hermana se olvido los pasaportes en la isla asi que me quede con la camita preparada.... y la ganas de estar mas tiempo con mis sobrinos!! bueno me hize 500 km ida y vuelta, sali a las 4 de la ma~ana y regrese a casa a las 9 de las noche. Creo que Wendy hizo lo ideal terminar a las 5 de la tarde todo. Asi que yo no estoy mal encaminada en hacerlo temprano tambien.
La boda fue sencilla y emotiva. El sellamiento pues me fije mucho en las palabras de la ordenanza , ya me via con mi Eric llorando sin parar ahhhhhhhhh ya me queda poco.

martes, 22 de abril de 2008

Oliva otra mas para el blogeo ... Olivia

Oliva has a blog now!!! go and visit her!!! she loves comments hahah

Mi amiga Oliva se ha unido al blogeo asi que otra mas!!!!

martes, 15 de abril de 2008

Pt. Eyring

Lo siento chicas mi amigo me lo dio ya en ingles, explica el por que el Pt. casi no podia hablar por unos segundos durante su discurso, cuando testificaba sobre el servicio al Se~or . Esa semana pasada el habia estado en el hospital pero Dios le dio la fortaleza necesaria para poder estar discursando y testifica como el Senor nos da la fortaleza necesaria cuando Le servimos.

Last night in the Priesthood Session of the Mormon (LDS) Conference, Elder Henry B. Eyring was speaking (among other things) about how the Lord will strengthen you and uphold you as you serve Him. He talked about how when you do the Lords work you qualify for the Lords blessings. Then he specifically mentioned that as you serve, angels will support you. During this time he got a little choked u p, and you could tell there was context behind those words.A few weeks ago when Elder Eyring was at home, he suddenly found himself waking up on the floor, with his leg twisted under him. He went to work, but soon realized he needed to have his leg checked. When he did, he found out it was broken (which is why he’s currently using a cane, in case you wondered).But then as the days went by, he continued to have times where he’d suddenly lose consciousness and he felt very weak. He was frustrated because he felt helpless. Newly appointed as the First Counselor to President Monson, he just wanted to serve. He got in to see the doctor, and had some tests done, and went back to work. Soon the results came in, and the doctor told him he had to come back to the hospital immediately.Come to find out, his heart would periodically just stop. So last Tuesday, he had a pacemaker put in. Last Tuesday. I don’t know if you’ve known anyone who’s had that happen, but it’s a serious surgery, with an extended recovery time.He got a blessing from President Monson, wherein he was told that angels would support him. The next day - Wednesday, he attended the meeting with the General Authorities in the temple. Thursday, he participated in the General Authority training. Then today (Saturday), he stood up, looking as magnified and healthy as ever, and delivered a powerful address on trusting in God as you serve with all your heart.He’s living testimony of his own words (as he so testified). Nephi said it well, when he said (1 Nephi 1:20):I Nephi, will show unto you that the tender mercies of the Lord are over all those whom he hath chosen, because of their faith, to make them mighty even unto the power of deliverance.How marvelous it is to be led by men of such faith, of such commitment, and of such stature.

lunes, 14 de abril de 2008

Sick again, Enferma otra vez...

Bueno este finde otra vez en la cama con fiebre, y yo me reia de mi hermana Esther por que estuvo en el hospital antes de casarse , viene de familia se nos bajan las defensas!!!! El consejero de la rama latina me dijo " no se preocupe hermana cuando se case se le quita todo " jajaaj no se en que sentido lo dijo pero tiene razon!!!! estaba inpirado.Asi que viernes y sabado en la cama.

El domingo fui a la iglesia , me pase a una rama latina, que clases!!! me encanto aprender de la mision de Juan el Bautista, el que tenia el poder, el llamamiento y era por ley judia. Me encanta la ramita latina, despues otro bautismo con su cena y todo . Asi que 6 horas en la capilla que bendicion!!!
Despues pude estudiar las escrituras con Eric que bien me encantan los estudios estos de compa~erismo haha parece que el tambien ahora esta disfrutando.

Again this weekend sick yeah believe it, I used to make fun of my sister Esther when she was about to get married that she was in the hospital for some virus!!she was really sick, is in the genes my mom is like that too!! our immune sistem low the defensas when we are stress or worried. The consul of the latin branch told me " dont worry sister when u get married everythign will go away" I dont know in wich way he was talking about but he was right. So friday and saturday on bed, yeah boring!!!

ON sunday always ablast at the latin branch, what a wonderfull clases, they're simple but deep and they dont make dramas to make people cry, I learned a lot of droctine what a blessing is that to have great teacher that u understand and learn!!!!!!!!! from their classes. AFter church we had another baptism Doris's this time. AFter we had dinner at church owo alot of food so I spend more than 6 hours at church , great!!!!
and after that Eric and I had the oportunity to study the scriptures together what a blessing I love it!! I learned a lot !!! and I think Eric is enyoing it more now....

sábado, 12 de abril de 2008

Love is in the air!! everywhere I look around... asi va la cancion

Bueno Lorena sigo tu sugerencia.....

It might sound cheeze!!! but I think is good to write for the future so I can always remember!! and you guys can know it too .

This are the most important reasons why I am going to marry Eric:

* He is a humble man, he is always willing to change for better, for our future family, for our love.

*He loves to study he is not even finish with his degree that he is thinking what else he is going to study.

* He loves to dance!!!! the people who knows me well knows that he complets me.

*He is working hard for our future family with school and his job.

* He is even more mischivous than me!!!

*He offers me true love.

*In our first date he took me to the temple.

* Since the first day he knew I was the one, he felted two times in one day!!

* He is constant. He for reals complet me.

*He loves to do exercices.

*He respects me.

* He is willing to sopport me in all my dreams!!! he gives me wings!! ( I dont think he gets yet that I'm a dreamer!!)

domingo, 6 de abril de 2008

VaYa FiNdE!! Busy Weekend

Bueno menudo finde empezo con;

@El viernes: la despedida de Soltera de Wendy unas de mis mejores amigas aqui en Vancouver se casa el 26 de Abril y ahora ya comienza a estar nerviosa. Estuve encargada de los juegos, que los prepare en ese mismo momento por que se me habia olvidado, pero salio muy bien, para eso si soy creativa.

@ El sabado: La asamblea general sosteniendo al profeta Motson , que especial para escribir en nuestros diarios de poder haber formado parte de este gran acontecimiento y ganar un testimonio de que el es el llamado a dirigir los asuntos de la iglesia y ser nuestro vidente y revelardor. Otra gran bendicion fue sostener a mi Pt. Faustino Lopez como Setenta oeoeoe oeoe oe.

Nuestro Profeta Motson

Este sabado fue movidito hasta me dio tiempo a discutir con Eric pero mal mal eh!! de querer terminar nuestra relacion que paciencia con los hombres , como lo haceis?? vosotras? y yo eso que no me he casado, creo que como veo tanto a mi alrededor me niego un poco a pasar por esas cosas , como diciendo toda orgullosa a mi!?? no me va a pasar eso y si Eric no se comporta como debe ser adios!! lo mas facil es cortar todo por lo sano pero claro no es lo que se debe hacer. Cada dia tengo mas claro que te ganas el cielo en el matrimonio por que joer que desgaste o mejor dicho que pulimiento desarrollando virtudes que ni se me hubieran pasado por la cabeza. Hay veces que ya no se que hacer la verdad.

This was in my sis's wedding Patricia we were the last ones dancing and after some moves my dress was almost falling out. Eric says I look pregant that in 10 moths I'm gonna look like that haha
Mi vestido en la boda de patri se me iba cayendo esta foto es al final del baile , solo quedamos Eric y yo. Eric dice que parezco que estoy embarazada que en 10 meses me vere asi jaja

Ni corta ni perezosa me fui despues de cena con mis amigas espanolas a un restaurante espanol aqui en Vancouver la bodega y jolines !!! que rico estaba el jamon y el choricito!!! la paella no eestaba mal.

Despues Eric y yo hicimos un poco las paces nos costo hasta las 2 de la ma~ana. A ver le tengo a prueba, pero es que le quiero tanto q luego pienso jo me he pasao echandole la charla.... this is the restaurant I went this saturday !!!

@ Domingo : La conferencia que especiales son!!! son una inyeccion espiritual total!!! despues de escucharlas me siento tan peque~a tanto que mejorar , tanto que aprender.....

This weekend has been crazy
first my friend's bridal shower , she is getting married on the 26 th ,I forgot I was on charge of the games uff thank goodness that I;m creative in that way.

@then saturday the General Assambly, it was really special to be able to sostein our profet and my mission Pt. Lopez as a seventy, what a big responsability to sostein a lider!!!
Then I was arguing with Eric yeah really bad one sometimes he thinks that I'm joking but I was really serius I was thiking to finish our relationship for reals I was really upset , how u guys the ones who are marry how u do it??and the ones who are not married how u guys would do it?

Then I went to have dinner with my spanish friends 2 of them are from my city we went to spanish restaurant and talk real spanish for hours!! what a festin!!!
REally late at night Eric and I decieded to workout things we love eachother so much that is hard to think to quit our love. The easy part is to quit and avoid problems the hard is to work!! them out.
@ Sunday again General conference how special they are , they're a spiritual bust!! for me I feel so little after hear them, so much knowledge to acomplish I feel so great being a member of the church.....