domingo, 26 de abril de 2009

Walking again ~~~~ He vuelto a las andadas....

My dear friends, finally good weather!!! or at least, It looks like it's not going to snow!!
The streats are clear and I went back to my walks!!! I miss them so much, what a long winter!!!

In Vancouver the weather is mild so allowed me to go for walks dispite the rain or the cold. But here!!! always snow everwhere.

My Eric found me a park close by when I moved to Pocatello. This park has a pace for runing or walking. Before I got married I used to run it for 4 times= 2 miles= +o- 4 km. Now I just walk it, for now!!!! ;) also I walk to get to the park, going down is easy but going up oh boy what a hill!!! it doesn't matter how often u do it always it's hard!!!!!!!!!!!!

I invited everybody!! to walk with me so far I went with Eric( just 2 times he doesnt have time) Alisa( my sis in law) Melissa(neigbour and bishop's wife) kristina(my sis in law) and Corin!!( my Jamaican friend). It's easier to go with somebody , always is better when you share!!!! ;)

I recomend it to anybody , it helps to realse stress, helps with depression, to lower bloodsugar level, to loose tummy,to appriciate more God blessings!!!

Do you want to walk with me??????? :0

9 comentarios:

icedgurl dijo...

hi! nice blog! have a nice day! :-)

Jake Kristina Andrew Grant Alexis dijo...

mucho gusto! I enjoyed walking with you very much! I am sure we will do it again! The only thing that makes it hard for me is Andrew wanting to get out and play. I love it though! So much fun!

Patricia dijo...

jo maja! ojala viviéramos cerquita para irnos de paseo. Fran y yo nos hemos propuesto irnos a caminar todas las tardes tambien ahora que viene el buen tiempo aunk aki han bajado de nuevo las temperaturas un poco pero al menos brilla el sol!!!

lorena dijo...

Yo me apuntaba, pero ya distancia me lo impide...pero te acompaño en la distancia cada vez que salgas!!

Penélope dijo...

Me encanta pasear, yo tambien me apuntaba. Pero no creo que llegara con tiempo de acostar a los niños a una hora razonable jeje. Pero me quedo con las ganas.

ME dijo...

What is the name of this park? It looks like one close to my brother's house. I would love to go walking with you!!! If only you were closer!

Tania Jabonero dijo...

GRacias por ser tan buenas amigas!!!!!!!!

Batistas dijo...

Ojala tuviese mas tiempo para ir de paseo (y con amigos aun mas). Eso de tener cinco hijos como que agota mis pocas energias...

Anónimo dijo...

Yo quiero ir contigo!