jueves, 30 de abril de 2009

An uplifting moment!!!!!!

Well It was 9:40pm after having a relaxing bath, trying to have peace in my heart I went to the lds.og to listen some Conference talks. Lately I have been missing my family, the fact that kills me the most is that I dont know when I'm going to see them! You cant have everything in this life, when I wasnt married I used to see them more often now that I have Eric I dont see them!!

Last night I was thinking about my sister Cristina, I want to see her and have a time with her talking just being with her , It was really overwhelming to think that I dont know when I'm going to see her again!!!Moreover, I miss the social security!! to go to the doctor when you need it. Here I dont have insurance yet! I dont want even to talk about it.

This world is full of injust, and we are not exempt of it. My poor Eric had a recent experience of this in his job. Sometime frustation can lead us to dispair and then we lack of hope.
I found this on the church website that comforted my heart!!! How blessed I feel to know, that having faith and hope leads us to think about Christ our Savior, He always will be with us until the end!!, how patiente we need to be with trials!!!.

Romans 12:21
"Be not overcome of evil, but overcame evil with good."

DYC 24:12

"Be patient in afflictions, for thou shalt have many; but endure them, for, lo, I am with thee, even unto the end of thy days."

4 comentarios:

Susana dijo...

Gràcias por tus comentarios.Lo cierto es que debemos tener fe y paciencia.
Oye seria genial que escribieras también en castellanocomo al principio. Mi inglés es nulo.
Un Besito.

Anónimo dijo...

Tania! que buena esa fe que tu tienes. Me ha gustado mucho el video, por cierto soy Olivia y este es mi blog ahora http://www.beautywithinme.wordpress.com creo que ya es definitivo. Un abrazo de mi y de mi familia

Patricia dijo...

Animo hermana!!! Ya sabes las pruebas se pasan mejor teniendo fe en Cristo! A ver si el Señor nos da una tregua verdad???

Irene dijo...

Tania, mucho ánimo, de verdad. Lo mejor de todo es que no tienes que estar sola pasando por momentos difíciles, ni tu marido tampoco, sino que estais los dos y os ayudais. Un beso.